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monsta 4 mod or admin =D

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monsta 4 mod or admin =D Empty monsta 4 mod or admin =D

Post by monsta ~retired co owner~ Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:17 pm

hey ppl its monsta and im applying for mod or admin idc because many of u now im a good staff member nd wus rated #1 co-owner on zooscape (josue last server) and i dont abuse or none of that shit nd i always help the server like post utube videos or help josue with testing new coding things hes done so this is my apply plz accept =D
monsta ~retired co owner~
monsta ~retired co owner~

Posts : 12
Join date : 2009-05-26
Location : monster

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monsta 4 mod or admin =D Left_bar_bleue0/0monsta 4 mod or admin =D Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)


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